Dr Tugrul Demirel has a private practice in Istanbul and operates in different afiliated hospitals. He is troughly a bariatric and metobolic dedicated surgeon. He performs mainly Revisional Bariatric Surgeries and especially is referred by R-Y Gastric Bypass and MGB patients for weight regain and biliary reflux respectively. He is the only surgeon in Turkey that has accumulated experience on RYGB to Duodenal Switch and MGB to Duodenal Switch Conversion surgeries and which all are performed laparoscopically.
He is also deeply interested in Type 2 Diabetes Surgery and performs Duodenoileal Interposition with Diverted Sleeve Gastrectomy for over 6 years up to now and performed over 200 Interposition surgeries. He accepts both non super obese and super obese RYGB’s patients who have weight regain and performs totally laparoscopic conversions to Duodenoileal Interposition for non- super obese and Duodenal Switch for super obese patients.
Another spesific interest is Duodenogastric Alkalene/Biliary Reflux Disease (DGR)for Dr. Demirel. He is the only surgeon in Turkey who performs successful laparoscopic De Meester Switch Surgery for DGR. De Meester Switch is the gold standart treatment choice for DGR disease and has tremendeous advantages over gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Demirel has an acceptably wide experience on Duodenal Switch and De Meester Switch extending over 150 cases.
© 2018 Tuğrul Demirel M.D.. All content and images belong to me